Contractual Liability
Contractual liability refers to one party being held liable for the losses or damages incurred by another party, he or she is assuming contractual liability. Similar to many other companies, your business may perform work for another company or hire another company to perform work. Whichever the case may be, you may have signed a…
Read MoreStatutory Liability Insurance
Statutory Liability insurance is intended to provide cover for allegations of wrongful breaches of key legislation as a result of the Insured’s business activities. The policy will meet fines and penalties payable in specified circumstances and related legal expenses. This cover can often be purchased as an addition to your Liability insurance or built into…
Read MoreCyber Liability Insurance
This is an emerging risk in business and provides cover where other liability policies do not. With new Privacy Legislation introduced in February 2018 in respect to mandatory breach notifications there is an increased awareness around Privacy and cyber responsibilities. Some of the more common events that lead to Cyber Claims are a hack attack,…
Read MoreHired-In Plant & Equipment
Knowing if you have the right cover (or cover at all) when you hire that generator, excavator or specialised plant from a hire company can be extremely confusing. The team at ProBuild Insurance Brokers use only the most reputable insurance products, and in a lot of cases a ‘blanket cover’ for all items you hire-in…
Read MoreDefective Design & Professional Indemnity Insurance
Professional Indemnity insurance covers your professional risk as a builder, often where you are providing incidental design services or construction management services. This cover is tailored for professionals who provide advice or services for a fee where a claim has been made against you by a third party for damages or financial loss. Design &…
Read MoreTools, Plant & Equipment
If your tools and equipment go missing, you can’t get the job done. There are several options on how you can insure your tools, plant and equipment, some policies provide full replacement cover regardless of the items age, others will only provide market or depreciated value cover after the items are 2 years or older.…
Read MoreVibration, Weakening & Removal of Support
Excavation and Construction work can have the potential to affect the supports and structural integrity of surrounding properties. Extremely dry weather or excessive rainfall during excavation may also have an impact in this regard. Do you know if your insurance policy protects your business against vibration, weakening or removal of support? Contact the team at…
Read MorePollution Liability
The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) view the building and construction industry as having a high potential to pollute the environment because of their activities. What would happen if you or one of your employees accidentally and unexpectedly disturbed some Asbestos whilst renovating a building? Will your Insurance policy respond, or do you have a total…
Read MoreExisting Structures…
Contract Works Insurance will cover the value of the building contract, but if you specialise in renovations are you or the owner of the property covered for any damage to the existing structure whilst under renovation? It largely depends on the value of the contract and nature of work performed.? Please contact the team at…
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